Wednesday 20 July 2016

TSL- Art in Education

Art in education refers to learning, instruction and programming based upon the visual and tangible arts. Art education includes performing arts like dance, music, theater, and visual arts like drawing, painting, sculpture, and design works. Latest trends also include photography, video, film, design and computer in the part of art in education. In art education, instruction is through standards-based, sequential approach by a qualified instructor as part of the core curriculum. Art in education usually used by English teacher in the classroom. This is because art in education can attract the students’ attention to learn. English subject is considered as a dry and dull subject. So, English teachers have to find many interventions in order to make this subject interesting so that the students will like this subject. There are three main aspect in art in education that are music, visual and also movement. 
For music, the teacher will use the medium such as song, musical instruments and others in classroom. Some students can learn best using this musical approach. The activity that can be adopt for music aspect is, teacher can have activity like singing in the classroom. Teacher should ask the students to each and everyone of them to sing. Teacher will show the lyrics using projector on screen. Then teacher will ask the students to stand up and sing. By using this singing activity, students can learn a lot of things. For example students can learn vocabulary. This is because there are certain unfamiliar English words in the lyrics of the song. So students will automatically learn the meaning of these words. Beside vocabulary, students also can learn grammar. Grammar also included in the lyrics of the song. For example, Old McDonald had a farm. Teacher can teach them present tense and past tense using this lyrics. Teacher can explain to them about the word “had” is actually comes from the original word of has. Teacher will explain to them that we use the word had because it was already done in the past. The other example of musical aspect is choir singing. Teacher will ask all the students to gather in a choir team position and teacher will do non verbal movement as to conduct the choir singing. Beside, the other example is teacher can use musical instruments inside the classroom such as guitar, piano and others during teaching and learning session. Most of the teacher will usually use guitar. This is because guitar is easy to bring and most of their students are familiar with guitar. Using musical instrument is also important because students will be attracted with this musical instruments. So, they will feel eager to study.  
For the aspect of movement, teacher can  adapt this aspect in classroom by conducting many activities such as dancing, games that involve movement and others. For example the game of sit and stand. This is a game that i used to play with Year 1 pupils during my School Based Experienced (SBE) in Sekolah Kebangsaan Padang Besar Utara.This game is very simple. The teacher will ask the students to stand when the teacher say King and the students will sit down when the teacher say rest. This game is very important because firstly, it triggers students to think logically as they will think that the action they should take in several activity. They should stand if the King walk in front of them in the term of respect. The students also should sit when they rest. The other importance of this activity is students will improve their brain and body coordination. This is because they have to think about what they should do after their teacher said the keyword that are King or rest. While they are thinking, they also have to do an action at the same time that is standing or sitting. The other activity involve moving aspect is dancing. Teacher can turn on the song and ask the students to dance. Before dancing, teacher must teach them the steps that they should do during the dance. Teaching this step also can improve the coordination of listening, body and also brain. This is because the students have to carefully hear the music and then they have to think about the movement that should they make and also they have to do the movement. 
The third aspect of art in education is visual. Visual learning happen when teacher show the students the picture or something else in the purpose of teaching and learning. The adaptation of this aspect is the teacher can use the flash cards as the teaching aids in the classroom. This flash cards can help students understanding the lesson. For example, the teacher teach the students about occupation. Teacher will give examples of occupations that exist in this world by using flash cards. For example teachers show the picture of doctor, police, fireman and others. By using this flashcard, students can understand better on what is doctor, police and all other occupations. The other adaptation that can be used except the flash cards is realia. Realia is the real objects bring in the classroom and use the object as teaching aids. Teacher will use the realia in other to help students to understand the lesson. Realia is the best example of activity that can be done in the aspect of visual. This is because by using realia, the students can know the real shape of certain things. Beside knowing the shape, the students also can feel the objects by touching it using their hands. For example, teacher want to conduct the lesson of nouns. Teacher choose the topic of fruits. Teacher can bring rambutan into the classroom. So, the students will see the real shape of the rambutan. Students also can feel the shape of rambutan that are hairy by touching it using their hands. 
As a conclusion, I can say that art of education is very important in the teaching and learning world nowadays. This is because students has their own way of understanding the lesson. By using art in education, students will be able to understand the lesson. Beside, art in education also can attract the students’ attention to study. This is because they will feel attracted with the activities that involved in the all aspects of art in education. So, the art in education is very important to produce more successful generation.


J. W. Spalding (2012) Why Art Education Is Crucial And Who Make It Best. Retrieved 

H. Andrew (2009) The Importane Of Art In Child Development. Retrieved From  

R. Diana (2012) The 10 Studies in Art In Education. Retrieved from 

Kemahiran Asas Dalam Hoki





Terdapat dua cara dalam menghantar bola iaitu menolak bola dan juga memukul bola

Menolak bola
i.) Menolak bola bertujuan untuk memberikan bola kepada rakan sepasukan semasa perlawanan    hoki.
ii.) Cara-cara menolak bola ialah

1.) Pegang kayu hoki dengan cara yang betul.
2.) Pastikan posisi jarak antara dua tangan semasa memegang kayu hoki.
3.) Rapatkan kayu hoki dengan bola hoki.
4.) Tolak bola hoki tersebut dengan keadaan kayu hoki rapat dengan bola.

Memukul bola
i.) Memukul bola bertujuan untuk menjaringkan gol dalam permainan hoki.
ii.) Cara-cara memukul bola ialah

1.) Pegang kayu hoki dengan cara yang betul.
2.) Cara pegang kayu hoki semasa memukul bola berbeza daripada menahan bola.
3.) Sama juga tangan kiri memegang kayu hoki di bahagian atas dan tangan kanan di bahagian bawah.
4.) Rapatkan tangan kiri dan kanan semasa memegang kayu hoki untuk mendapatkan momentum.
5.) Ambil momentum dengan menarik kayu hoki ke belakang sedikit dan pukul bola hoki.


Terdapat dua cara juga dalam menahan bola iaitu tunjuk bola dan juga condong kayu hoki.

Tunjuk bola
i.) Tunjuk bola bertujuan untuk menghentikan bola di bahagian kanan.
ii.) Cara-caranya ialah

1.) Perhatikan arah bola bergerak 
2.) Tunjuk bola tersebut menggunakan kayu hoki
3.) Ikut arah pergerakan bola hoki.
4.) Ikut bola menggunakan kayu hoki sehingga bola sampai ke arah kita
5.) Hentikan bola menggunakan bahagian hujung kayu hoki.

Condong kayu hoki 
i.) Condong kayu hoki bertujuan untuk menghentikan bola di bahagian kiri
ii.) Cara-caranya ialah

1.) Mata memerhati bola.
2.) Bongkokkan badan ke arah kiri.
3.) Letak kayu hoki secara mendatar di atas lantai 
4.) Condongkan kayu hoki bagi tujuan menghentikan bola.

Penghasilan Kertas Kerja

Menurut Kamus Dewan Edisi Ke-4, kertas kerja ialah makalah (artikel atau rencana) bertulis yang mengandungi perbincangan mengenai sesuatu persoalan dan cadangan tertentu. Pada umumnya kertas kerja ditulis dengan tujuan untuk mengutarakan penghujahan tentang alasan dan bukti yang boleh diberikan untuk mendapatkan sesuatu seperti kelulusan untuk satu peruntukan kewangan atau kelulusan menjalankan sesuatu projek dan sebagainya. Selain itu,  menurut Ahmad Jali (2012) kertas kerja adalah salah satu daripada bentuk komunikasi bertulis. Oleh sebab itu kertas kerja bermaksud hasil penulisan yang mengandungi idea untuk dikemukakan kepada khalayak atau pihak-pihak tertentu. Khalayak perlu membaca kertas kerja tersebut untuk mendapatkan maklumat berkaitan idea yang hendak disampaikan. Khalayak boleh terdiri daripada kumpulan kecil seperti jawatankuasa projek ataupun kumpulan besar seperti peserta seminar dan persidangan. Dalam keadaan tertentu kertas kerja juga boleh dibentangkan kepada khalayak dalam bentuk lisan. Namun begitu, komunikasi lisan tersebut hanya berperanan menyampaikan maklumat yang memang telah disediakan dalam kertas kerja tersebut atau dengan kata lain menerangkan apa yang terkandung dalam kertas kerja itu. Apa yang lebih penting ialah hasil penulisan kertas kerja itu sendiri.

Pengenalan merupakan perkara asas dan pertama dalam penghasilan kertas kerja. Dalam pengenalan, penulis akan memperkenalkan program ataupun aktiviti yang akan dilakukan. Selain itu, pengenalan juga bertujuan untuk memaklumkan kepada pembaca tentang kepentingan program yang ingin diadakan. Jadi, pengenalan yang baik haruslah mempunyai nama projek yang ingin dijalankan. Selain nama projek, adalah penting bagi penulis untuk membuat ulasan dan penerangan tentang projek yang akan dijalankan dalam pengenalan sesebuah kertas kerja. Di samping itu, pengenalan yang baik juga sewajarnya mengandungi kepentingan projek yang akan diadakan. Hal ini sangat penting dalam memastikan pembaca terutamanya penaja untuk memastikan penaja jelas tentang kepentingan projek tersebut. Dengan ini, penaja akan berasa yakin untuk menaja projek yang akan dijalankan.

Objektif merupakan matlamat projek yang akan dijalankan. Dalam kata lain, objektif mengandungi perkara-perkara yang ingin dicapai dalam projek yang ingin kita jalankan. Objektif sangat penting untuk dimuatkan dalam kertas kerja untuk memastikan pembaca tahu tentang matlamat projek tersebut. Di samping itu juga, pembaca akan tahu tentang perkara-perkara yang akan dicapai daripada projek yang akan dijalankan melalui objektif dalam kertas kerja tersebut. Objektif yang baik haruslah mempunyai satu perkara yang sangat penting iaitu target ataupun matlamat projek itu. Sebagai contoh jika kita ingin mengadakan majlis sambutan hari raya Aidilfitri peringkat IPG Kampus Perlis. Matlamatnya adalah untuk mengeratkan hubungan silaturrahim antara warga IPG Kampus Perlis. Matlamat ini harus dilihat dengan jelas oleh pembaca supaya pembaca mengetahui bahawa projek yang akan kita jalankan itu mempunyai kebaikan dan tidak sia-sia.

Butiran program merangkumi semua maklumat-maklumat tentang projek yang ingin dijalankan seperti tarikh, tempat, masa dan juga peserta. Butiran program juga sangat penting kerana pembaca akan mengetahui maklumat tentang program tersebut dengan lebih terperinci. Pembaca dapat mengetahui bila, di mana dan siapa yang terlibat dalam program yang akan kita jalankan. Dengan mengetahui penglibatan dalam program kita, pembaca akan yakin bahawa kita mampu mengendalikan program tersebut. Hal ini demikian kerana jika tiada senarai penglibatan, semestinya pembaca akan ragu-ragu tentang kehadiran dalam program kita. Sebagai contoh, jika kita mengadakan program gotong-royong, dan kita tidak meletakkan senarai penglibatan, semestinya pembaca ragu-ragu dan tertanya-tanya siapa yang akan menghadiri program gotong-royong tersebut. Oleh yang demikian semua maklumat tentang program yang akan kita jalankan haruslah ada dalam butiran program kertas kerja.

Senarai ahli jawatankuasa dan pelaksana juga perlu dimuatkan dalam kertas kerja untuk memastikan pembaca jelas tentang pembahagian kerja yang dilakukan demi menjayakan program yang akan dijalankan. Selain itu, senarai ini juga penting supaya pembaca terutamanya penaja dapat berhubung terus dengan individu yang bertanggungjawab dalam perkara yang ingin difokuskan. Sebagai contoh, penaja ingin bertanyakna tentang jumlah kewangan, penaja boleh terus menghubungi bendahari. Dalam menyiapkan senarai ahli jawatankuasa dan pelaksana ini, proses pelantikan jawatan haruslah dijalankan terlebih dahulu.Setelah proses pelantikan dijalankan, nama-nama ahli jawatankuasa serta pelaksana akan diisi dan dimasukkan dalam kertas kerja.

Atur cara majlis ataupun dikanali sebagai tentatif majlis merupakan perkara yang penting untuk dimuatkan dalam kertas kerja. Atur cara majlis ini merupakan senarai lengkap semua agenda yang akan berlaku pada hari kejadian iaitu hari program kita dijalankan. Peruntukan masa juga akan diisi bersama-sama dengan agenda pada hari tersebut. Sebagai contoh, ucapan Tuan Pengarah yang akan berlangsung pada jam 9 pagi hingga 10 pagi pada hari kejadian. Atur cara majlis ini perlu supaya pembaca tahu bila majlis bermula dan berakhir di samping tahu aktiviti-aktiviti yang akan berlangsung pada hari tersebut. Cara untuk menyiapkan atur cara majlis ini ialah kita perlu merancang semua agenda atau aktiviti yang bakal berlangsung pada hari tersebut dan kita haruslah menyediakan peruntukkan masa untuk setiap agenda tersebut. Atur cara majlis yang baik haruslah merangkumi semua aktiviti yang akan berlangsung dan masanya. 

Dalam semua perkara, kewangan merupakan aspek yang paling penting. Sama juga seperti dalam penyediaan kertas kerja, kewangan adalah sangat penting. Bendahari akan membuat senarai bajet tentang perkara-perkara yang memerlukan wang atau juga dikenali sebagai aliran keluar wang untuk program tersebut. Perkara ini haruslah dibincangkan secara terperinci dan ditulis sebagai bajet untuk program yang akan kita jalankan. Kewangan atau bajet sangat penting kepada pembaca supaya pembaca tahu berapa jumlah wang yang digunakan untuk program kita. Selain itu, penaja sangat peka dalam membaca kewangan bajet kita. Hal ini demikian kerana mereka ingin mengetahui ke mana kita belanjakan wang yang mereka beri. Selain itu, bajet penting untuk memastikan tiada ketirisan kewangan berlaku dan tiada pecah amanah berlaku.

Teks pengacaraan majlis penting dalam memastikan majlis berjalan lancar dan pengacara majlis tidak tergagap-gagap dalm mengacarakan majlis. Selain itu, teks ini haruslah dibuat selari dengan agenda yang akan berlangsung.

Penutup merupakan perkara terakhir dalam kertas kerja. Dalam penutup, penulis akan menulis tentang harapan supaya pihak berwajib bersetuju untuk membenarkan program kita dijalankan. Selain itu, dalam penutup juga akan diselitkan sekali lagi tentang kebaikan dan matlamat program ini untuk meyakinkan pihak berwajib supaya meluluskan program ini.


  1. Tajuk Program; Jamuan Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2015 peringkat IPGK Perlis

  1. Maklumat Program

2.1 Tarikh:15 Julai 2015
2.2 Masa: 8 pagi- 12 tengah hari
2.3 Tempat: Dewan Indera Kayangan

3. Penganjur: Jabatan bahasa

4. Jawatankuasa Kerja: *rujuk lampiran*

5. Laporan Biro Jawatankuasa:
i) Jawatankuasa Makanan: Semua makanan mencukupi malah ada yang lebih. Makanan     yang lebih ini diberikan kepada tetamu untuk dibawa pulang.

ii) Jawatankuasa siaraya: Semua alatan siaraya berfungsi dengan lancar tanpa sebarang masalah.
iii) Bendahari: Kewangan mencukupi seperti yang telah dirancangkan.

iv) Jawatankuasa persiapan Tempat: Tempat digunakan sepenuhnya dan di kemaskan semula selepas program tamat.

6. Masalah/ Halangan: Kipas angin di Dewan Indera Kayangan tidak semua berfungsi.

7. Hal-hal Lain: Mencari tempat yang lebih sesuai untuk digunakan ketika jamuan pada masa hadapan.


Pada tanggal 15 Julai 2015, satu majlis jamuan Hari Raya Aidilfitri diadakan di Dewan Indera kayangan IPG Kampus Perlis. Pada tepat jam 8 pagi, para pelajar sampai di Dewan Indera Kayangan dengan memakai baju Melayu bagi lelaki dan baju kurung serta kebaya bagi pelajar perempuan. Sebaik sahaja mereka sampai, semuanya menandatangani kehadiran mengikut kelas masing-masing. Pengarah tiba beberapa minit berikutnya. Ketibaan Pengarah disambut dengan paluan kompang dan diarak masuk ke dalam dewan dengan bunga manggar. Pengarah kemudiannya dipersilakan duduk di tempat duduk VIP bersama Ketua Jabatan Bahasa iaitu Dr. Sabariah. 
Majlis dimulakan dengan nyanyian lagu negeri Perlis dan lagu IPG Kampus Perlis. Seterusnya, majlis diteruskan dengan menjemput Muhd Akmal untuk memimpin bacaan doa supaya majlis yang diadakan mendapat berkat dari Allah S.W.T.  Setelah doa selesai dibacakan, pengerusi majlis menjemput Tuan Pengarah untuk memberikan ucapan dan seterusnya merasmikan majlis ini. Tuan Pengarah memberikan ucapan yang sangat bermakna dan bermanfaat di samping terus merasmikan majlis tersebut.
Setelah selesai majlis perasmian dan ucapan pengarah, para tetamu dihidangkan dengan persembahan multimedia tentang semua jenis perayaan di negara kita. Melalui persembahan ini, kita dapat membuat refleksi diri tentang betapa beruntungnya kita tinggal di Malaysia yang kaya dengan pelbagai kaum dan budaya. Kita dapat belajar tentang perayaan kaum lain. Setelah selesai persembahan multimedia, tetamu dihidangkan pula dengan persembahan pelajar TESL mengikut semester masing-masing. Semuanya membuat persembahan kebudayaan berdasarkan pelbagai budaya di Malaysia.
Para tetamu seterusnya dihidangkan jamuan pada jam 12 tengah hari. Pelbagai juadah disediakan seperti nasi briyani, kuih-muih serta bubur kacang. Minuman yang disediakan ialah air sirap ais. Majlis bersurai pada jam 2 Petang. Terdapat banyak makanan lebih dan makanan ini diberikan kepada tetamu untuk dibawa pulang.


  Melalui program jamuan hari raya Aidilfitri yang diadakan, terdapat banyak perkara yang boleh saya ambil sebagai refleksi diri. Pertama sekali ialah kepentingan kerjasama dalam mencapapi sesuatu matlamat. Hal ini demikian kerana semua berusaha dan berganding bahu dalam menjayakan program ini. 
Selain itu, prekara lain yang dalat saya ambil sebagai refleksi ialah dengan mengadakan majlis ini, hubungan silaturrahim dpat dieratkan. Hal ini apabila semua warga IPG berkumpul di dewan untuk program ini dan beramah mesra serta bersembang. Perkara ini dapat mengeratkan ukhuwah antara semua.
Seterusnya, perkara lain yang dapat saya ambil ialah saya dapat belajar ilmu baru dalam menjalankan majlis ini. Ilmu baru yang saya maksudkan ialah ilmu membuat kertas kerja. Kertas kerja perlu dibuat dan diluluskan terlebih dahulu sebelum menjalankan program ini. Oleh itu, saya dapat belajar banyak benda tentang kertas kerja termasuklah format untuk membuat kertas kerja.
Di samping itu, perkara lain yang saya dapat ialah rasa kesyukuran dalam diri. Hal ini apabila semua tetamu termasuklah para penganjur dan AJK dapat menikmati juadah yang pelbagai. Rezeki ini adalah daripada Sang Pencipta dan dengan rezeki inilah yang membolehkan kita hidup senang-lenang. Dengan ini, perasaan bersyukur akan timbul dalam diri kita.
Akhir sekali, melalui majlis ini, kita akan dapat saling mengenali antara satu sama lain. Mungkin ada di kalangan kita yang masih tidak mengenali. Jadi dengan adanya program ini kita akan saling mengenali.


  1. Jali (2012) Cara-cara Untuk Menulis Kertas Kerja. Retrieved From

G. Rani (2011) Definisi Kertas Kerja. Retrieved from 

Muhd. Sabri (2011) Ciri-ciri Kertas Kerja. Retrieved from 

Kids Song - Animals

Five little ducks went out to play.
Over the hills and far away
Out come the hunter
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Five little ducks waddled away.


Five little ponies went out to play
Over the hills and far away.
Out came the hunter
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Five little ponies ran away

Five little rabbits went out to play
Over the hills and far away.
Out came the hunter
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Five little rabbits hopped away

Five little parrots went out to play
Over the hills and far away.
Out came the hunter
Bang! Bang! Bang!

Five little parrots flew away

Reflection School Based Experienced


Robert Gagne’s theory is very suitable to be used in Malaysian classroom. Based on my the experience of my first School Based Experience (SBE) in Sekolah Kebangsaan Padang Besar Utara, I’ve given a chance to enter the class to observe my mentor, Mrs. Liza conducting Teaching and Learning. I found that using the most of the lesson events proposed by Robert Gagne. For the first lesson event that is gaining attention, the she used the method of role-play. She teach the song entitled Moly and Nat from year 1 English Textbook. Moly is the mouse and Nat is the cat. So before starting the lesson, she enter the class and act as mouse and also cat. She actually want to gain the students’ attention because students will feel interested to study by doing this. For second lesson event that is provide learning objective, Mrs Liza read the objective to the pupils so that pupils know what knowledge they should get. 
Beside, Mrs Liza also stimulate and recall the prior knowledge of the pupils. She asked the pupils to do the sound of cat and also mouse. By doing this, pupils can recall their knowledge about what are mouse and cat look like and how they sound. For the next lesson event that is presenting the materials, Mrs Liza used the flash cards as the teaching aids for the lesson in the classroom. She used two flashcards that were flashcard with the picture of mouse and another another one is the picture of cat. By doing this, pupils will know the physical looks of cat and mouse. This is important because this school is situated in the rural area. So, for sure there are certain pupils that do not know how cat and mouse look like. 
Next, Mrs Liza also provide guidance for lesson to every pupils. This is to make sure that all her pupils can follow the lesson. There is one slow learner student in her class named Aiman. Aiman having difficulty in following the lesson in the class. So Mrs Liza give more attention to him. Once in glimpse, she will approach Aiman to guide him. She also keep asking Adam if he understand the lesson. For the elicit performance lesson event, Mrs Liza do not use this lesson event. I cant see she use any approach or techniques or method regarding to this lesson event. So, in my opinion, Mrs Liza should call or choose few pupils randomly on the spot and then ask them question regarding to the topic of the lesson. This is to make sure whether they are alert or not. For providing feedback, Mrs Liza ask the class if the pupils have any question. Beside she also ask certain questions regarding to the topic. This is to make sure pupils get what they learn. Next, Mrs Liza ask the pupils to do the exercise in the Year 1 English activity book for the lesson event of assess performance. For retaining the memory, Mrs Liza ask again the pupils how the cat and mouse sound like. This is to make sure they remember it for long time. The other special thing of this school is every Monday after the assembly, The Headmaster, Mr Zainorin will call all the teachers to gather at the office. During this time, he will give comment on teacher’s performance and achievement in the past week. This is important for teacher to improve themselves.

Penyelesaian Konflik Moral

5.) Nyatakan 3 cara penyelesaian konflik moral.
Tiga cara penyelesaian konflik moral yang boleh dilakukan ialah dengan cara pembinaan heirarki, pencairan dan kompromi.
Bagi strategi pertama iaitu pembinaan heirarki, orang yang menghadapi konflik moral mempunyai dua nilai yang bercanggah dan perlu mempersoalkan diri sendiri tentang yang mana lebih penting. Hanya satu boleh dipilih dan satu lagi harus ditinggalkan. Sebagai contoh, kita harus melaporkan kepada pensyarah tentang rakan kita yang melakukan plagiat sedangkan dia adalah kawan baik kita. Kita terpaksa menyusun nilai bercanggah dalam satu heirarki. Dua nilai bercanggah yang terdapat di sini ialah kesetiaan dalam persahabatan dan kejujuran dalam peperiksaan. Keputusan kita adalah bergantung kepada kepentingan nilai bercanggah. Jika kita melaporkan kepada pensyarah kita menganggap nilai kejujuran lebih penting. Strategi ini membantu kita dalam menyusun nilai yang berkonflik mengikut keutamaan. 
Strategi kedua ialah pencairan.Asas strategi ini adalah perkembangan alternatif dalam menyelesaikan konflik. Contohnya, dua orang murid dipilih sebagai satu kumpulan untuk menyiapkan tugasan. Namun kedua duanya tidak dpat bekerjasama kerana menganggap cara mereka sendiri lebih baik. Untuk ini, mereka mencari pendirian lain untuk menyiapkan tugasan mereka. Strategi pencairan memfokuskan tentang apa yang dihajati pada akhirnya. Jadi, dalam situasi ini, kedua-dua murid dapat membezakan matlamat dengan cara mencapai matlamat. Hal ini bermaksud mereka boleh guna alternatif lain demi menyiapkan tugasan.

Strategi ketiga ialah kompromi. Strategi ini menggalakkan perbincangan antara dua pihak untuk mencari penyelesaian. Andaian dalam konflik ini ialah orang yang berkonflik itu akan duduk semeja berbincang bagi menyelesaikan konflik tersebut.Sebagai contoh, dua lelaki bergaduh kerana berebut perempuan. Jadi mereka akan berbincang cara untuk menyelesaikan konflik itu.`

SBE Report Guidance

5.0 New Knowledge Gained

5.1 observation

Based on the method of observation that i have been carried out, a lot of new knowledge that i got from it. First, i found out that all the teachers have to teach based on document standard that already prepared by the Ministry of Education. This document standard play an important role as the guidance for the teacher to teach the pupils. Teacher also will stay on track to teach their pupils using this document standard.
Beside, I also learned that the commitment of teachers will the most important thing to bring the success for the school. This is because in my pbs school at Sekolah Kebangsaan Padang Besar Utara, all the teachers there give their full cooperation and also full commitment to the school. None of them went out from school before going back time and also none of them coming late to school. They are also very approachable.  They will lend me a help whenever i need a help. All of them also have a very good relationship with the Headmaster, Mr Zainorin. This relationship is very important so that the cooperation between teachers and Headmaster to gain success for the school can work very well.
In the discipline aspect, I can say that this Sekolah Kebangsaan Padang Besar Utara has an excellent discipline archievement. This is because this school has improve a lot in the term of discipline. The Headmaster did told me that the play truant rate in this school was very high in the year of 2009 to 2014. But the rate decrease by the year of 2015 and this year he said that only one case of playing truant reported to him. This is because the role of teacher in preventing this case is very good. All of the teachers there put a big effort in preventing this case especially the discipline teacher, Mr Abdul Bar. So, here i can learn that teacher play the important role to take care the discipline of students.
Last but not least, I found out that the management of school is very important in order to archieve the excellent for the school. Although this school was categorise as rural area school and low achievement school, but this school has an excellent management. This excellent management will help the school to succeed.

5.3 Interview

The other method that i used to get information is interview. I interview 4 teachers in different subject. I learned a lot of things by this interview. Firstly, i got the knowledge about special need classes here. i interviewed special needs teacher, Mr. Azrul. In SK Padang Besar Utara, there are 4 classes of special needs prepared. In each class there are about 14 pupils. I also learned that in special needs class there have no specific assessment like the normal pupils. That means they don't have any examination provided by the Ministry. Their examination just carried out by their teachers. Beside, i also learned that in special needs class, pupils are not categorised by their age but their level. This means one class can consist of many different ages pupils. I also learned that in special needs class, there will consist of pupils from age of 7 years old to 14 years old. 
On top of that, I got a knowledge about LINUS. LINUS is actually a programme to detect pupils that hard to follow the lesson and the teachers have to do intervention to help this pupil. LINUS in English must be carried by the English teacher. Its different from Bahasa Melayu subject. It will be carried out by the remedial teacher. I have interview my mentor, Mrs Liza she said that there are 9 task for the pupils to do and if they didn't able to do, teacher have to do intervention to help them. This LINUS test also must been carried out during the English period. 
Last but not least, i interviewed Moral teacher, Mrs Kalsom for the small class. She teach Moral for standard 1 pupils. There are only two pupils in that Moral class. I also got a knowledge about how to handle the small class. I found out that its an advantage to us to have a small class. We can give the full attention to them. Beside we also can hide them during the lesson. We also can conduct activities with them.

2.0- Professional Statement

School Based Experience (SBE) is a programme for PISMP students. It is to allow the students to feel the experience of living in the school and also to get closer to the school environment. Beside, the students also can learn more about the methodology of teaching by the teachers at the school. Students will be given a chance to enter the classroom to observe how the teachers carried out teaching process. Beside students also will get opportunity to make interaction with the school community.
SBE must be done in primary school and students can choose their own school. The purpose of SBE is to make the students able to find a lot of information about teaching profession. Beside, it is also for the students to get use the life as an educator. It is also for the students to learn on how to act or handle activities that they will carry out in school when they becomes a teacher later.
There are also other several purposes of SBE. Some of them are to able the students to:

1.) Understand school environment.
2.) Suit themselves in school.
3.) Get the exposure about the learner’s environment.
4.) Understand the strategy of teaching.
5.) Create the skill of interaction with teachers and also school staff 
6.) Create the positive values in teaching profession.
7.) Make a reflection about the role of teacher in the classroom.

For that reason, I am choosing the school in Padang Besar area to do my SBE. The school is Sekolah Kebangsaan Padang Besar Utara (SKPBU). This school is situated in the northern side of Perlis. It is a rural area school. This school also is a low class school. The main reason why am i choosing this school is i want to feel the experience of teaching and learning environment in rural area school. This is because i was raised up in urban area and i never feel the learning and teaching environment of school in rural area. Besiade, I choose this school also because they are some teachers that i know in this school. So, I'm sure I can get help easily. Before doing the SBE, i have to find all the information about SKPBU such as the address and also the phone number. 

Before SBE
Before go to school to do the SBE, we are having SBE briefing by Jabatan Ilmu Pendidikan of IPG Kampus Perlis. The lecturer that responsible for this briefing is Pn. Jauriah. In this briefing session, Puan Jauriah gives us the formal letter that Jabatan Ilmu Pendidikan send to the school that we are attending for SBE. In this briefing also, Puan Jauriah do tell us everything that we should do when we attend school for our SBE. As this is our first time doing SBE, Puan Jauriah gives us the best briefing about the things that we should do when we are in the school for SBE.
We actually got a lot of task to do in the school for SBE. First and foremost and the most important thing or purpose of doing SBE is to make an observation if the teacher in that school use the nine lesson event that were proposed by Robert Gagne in his theory. The nine lesson event including gaining attention, provide learning objectives and others. The other purpose of SBE is to get knowledge and experience about how teaching and learning take place. Then, the other purpose is to train ourselves to make a good interaction with school communities such teachers, school staff and others. 
The task that we should do is to collect as much data and informations as we can by using any method that we like for example observation, interview and others. Puan Jauriah advice us to have a good relationship with all school communities so that we can get help by them easily to get the informations and also data. We have to collect much data and informations to complete our task given. 
After listening to that briefing, i can get the rough idea on what to do during my SBE. Beside knowing the environment of the school during SBE, we are also have to find informations for our task. So we have to be wise in managing our time to get the experience and also to find information. Then, we also have to to see how teacher teach the students and how teacher attract their attention.

During SBE
While doing SBE in Sekolah Kebangsaan Padang Besar Utara, i have carry out observation about this school. I have observe about the management of the school.This school is lead by the Headmaster, Mr Zainorin helped by Pennong Kanan, Penolong Kanan Hal Ehwal Murid and also Penolong Kanan Kokurikulum. This school also has 3 staff that work at the office. The majority of the teachers in this school are females.
I also make observation about the classroom management. School give me full cooperation by giving me chance to enter classroom to observe the teacher teaching and also giving me chance to relieve class. By doing this observation, i am able to answer and finish the task given to me. Beside using observation technique, I also use the technique of interview. We were given a chance to interview teachers, students, and also staff. I take this opportunity to some of the teachers and also my mentor. 
By interviewing the teachers, I also get a lot of informations that i needed. For example, the technique that the teacher use to archived all of the nine lesson events proposed by Robert Gagne. Then, i also know how the teacher try to understand the students’ condition.

After SBE

After carried out my SBE, i have collected and also updated all the informations and also data that i got during my SBE in Sekolah Kebangsaan Padang Besar Utara. Beside, i also got a lot of new knowledge that are really useful to me. I can use this knowledge when i become a teacher one day. I also learned the technique about asking in effective way. I can use this technique to ask someone to get help or information. I can say that using the correct technique of asking, we will easily get help and information. We will also get respect from others. 
Beside, i also get the great input after meeting the Headmaster. The Headmaster give me a lot of advice to be a good teacher one day. I have to be a good teacher in order to teach to pupils to become a good person in this world. The Headmaster also remind me to always share my knowledge with other persons. This is because the people expect teacher as a very good human. He also told me that i have to be ready to be placed in any school when i got posted later.
On top of that, i also can do analysis that school environment and classroom management is very important in developing the students in all aspects. This good school environment and classroom management will lead the pupils to feel happy to learn. Beside that, the complete classroom facilities also can help to achieve effective teaching and learning condition.
The complete classroom facilities is very important to make sure that the pupils feel comfortable to study. Actually, not only pupils. Teachers also will feel uncomfortable if there is not enough facilities.

2.5- Evaluation And Report

So as a conclusion, during my SBE from 7 March to 11 March have give me a lot of new knowledge and also values to myself. I have choose Sekolah Kebangsaan Padang Besar Utara that situated in Padang Besar, Perlis. As we know school is the place where all of us had been educate to become something today. Actually, school also not only the place to get curriculum knowledge. School is actually the place for the students to develop everything including physical, emotional, social and others parallel to National Philosophy of Education.  
Beside that, i also know that the technique and skill to control class are very important. This is because by using the correct technique and skill, the class can be controlled. When the class can be controlled, the teaching and learning session can take place smoothly. In this school, the amount of pupils in each class is 14 pupils. This amount is small. But the pupils are very active. So the teacher have to use the great skill to control the class.
After did this task, i have feel the environment of school. Different from the old days, i enter school as a pupil but now i enter school as a teacher trainee.A teacher trainee the experience of doing SBE really useful for me. This experienced teach me to suit myself in school as a teacher. I also learn that I have to use  many approach and techniques to teach pupils to make sure they don't feel bored.

3.0 Data Collection Instruments Regarding Task Assigned

3.2- observation
When doing this task, I am using certain instruments. One of them is observation.  The first thing that i observe is the facilities of this school. Overall, the facilities in this school is complete and perfect and can bring positive impact to learning and teaching process. Even though, there are still certain facilities that should be improved.
Beside, i also observe the discipline of the pupils. The discipline of the pupils here are still under control. This is because the teacher play their important role to take care of pupils’ discipline.  This discipline matter is not a small matter because it can affect the school.
Last but not least, I also observe the process of teaching and learning that take place in the classroom. I observe the way of teacher teaching the pupils. The teachers teach with all their heart. 

3.3- Interview
The other instrument that i used is interview. I have interview a few teachers such as English teacher, Science teacher and also Special Needs teacher. Beside, i also interview my mentor that also the English teacher there. By doing this interview, i got a lot of informations. Their cooperation given to me also is always great.

4.0 Collaborative
For collaborative, i have write the record and data with teachers and my mentor in the collaborative form that have provided to me. I also get the sign of the teachers that i interviewed. For me, collaborative is very important to get the informations that we need. I collaborate with teachers and also my mentor. 
 4.2- Discussion with mentor
4.3- Discussion with other teachers

6.0 Reflection
SBE teach me a lot especially guide me to become a good and professional teacher. SBE also can make me able to appreciate and improve the teaching profession inside me in an effective way.
Based on reflection I am able to detect the effect of every activity done. Beside, reflection also can make me to improve everything that i need to improve. Reflection also can increase the quality of the teacher can improve the professionalism of teacher.

Refer to Reflective form

7.0 Final Report

As a conclusion, all i can say is this School Based Experienced (SBE) is very good and important for the teacher trainee like me. This is because SBE need me to do a task in primary school. I have chosen Sekolah Kebangsaan Padang Besar Utara as a school for me to do my SBE. There are several reasons I'm choosing this school and one of them are i want to have an experience to live in rural area school because i always study in urban area school. Beside, my aunty also teach in this school. So, it is easier for my accommodation purpose. I also choose this school because as we know, this school is a low prestige school. So i want to see the effort of the teacher and also their intervention to raise up the level of this school. Even though this school has poor achievement in curriculum but SKPBU has a great achievement in cocuriculum activity that is choir singing. This school has represent Perlis in the year of 2014 in choir competition. 
After doing this SBE, i can adapt many positive value into myself from this SBE. Firstly, i gain a lot of self confidence in myself. This is when i have to relieve class and teach the pupils alone. I have gain my self-confidence because by hook or by crook i have to teach them. Beside, i also gain the skill of interaction with the other people. For example in the school, I learn the skill to interact with other teachers and also school staff. I also learned that this interaction is very important because we need to know people as we may need help from them someday. 
On top of that, School Based Experienced also teach me to become a responsible teacher in the scope of pupils’ performance. The success of pupils are our responsibility. This is because their parents have put the biggest hope on us to teach their children. So we have to do our best to teach the pupils until they succeed. Ministry of Education also has make a lot of programme to help pupils gaining success. For example, LINUS programme has planned to help pupils that are slow in learning. This programme is very good because pupils that slow in learning can catch up the lesson by the intervention made by the teachers.
School based Experience also teach me to be an understanding person. I enter Year 1 class that is 1 Pintar. There is one boy named Aiman. He is a slow learner person. But most of the teacher did not realised that. So the teacher keep on get angry with him. I learned that i have to investigate first about my pupils instead of just get angry with them. I have to approach the pupils softly to know the problems that they are having.
Last but not least, this school also emphasise on the spiritual aspect of the pupils. The evidence is every Friday, there will be Yassin recitation for the Muslim pupils.

As a conclusion, I have learned a lot of new things and improve myself by doing this SBE.