Thursday 23 June 2016

EDUP 3043- Behaviour And Classroom Management (Topic 1- Classroom Management)


1.1 Concept of Classroom Management

* Classroom is the place where teaching n learning occur.
* Also place for main career hub for teacher.
* Classroom management including managing facilities, pupils, organization, time, T&L, assessment.
* Classroom management:
1) Effective descipline
2) Being prepared for class
3) Motivating students
4) Provide comfortable learning place
5) Build students self-esteem
6) Creative
* Importances
i) Satisfication
ii) Classroom management issue is the highest concern for beginning teacher
iii) Key in ensuring students success.

1.2 Characteristics of Effective Teacher


1.2.1 Caring Culture

*Always guide students
*Being scaffolding for students
*Consider students' emotion
*Call them politely

5 Roles of Teacher in Managing Classroom Effectively

1. Classroom Arrangement

*Students must be able to see teacher or presentation clearly without have to turn or move
*So teachers have to be smart to arrange students.
*Short students in front tall students at the back.
*Degree of decoration also can help to add attractiveness for class.

2. Managing Inappropriate Behaviour

*Monitor students carefully & detected misbehaviour early before it becomes a serious disruption.
*Act to stop inappropriate behaviour so not interrupt class.
*Giving non-verbal signal to stop students misbehaviour
*Giving short verbal instruction to stop students bad behaviour.

3. Guideline For Effective Praise

*Delivered continently upon student performance of desirable behaviours.
* Is expressed sincerely.
*Is given for genuine effort.
*Provides info for students about their competence or the value of their accomplishments.

4. Managing Student Academic Work

*Effective teacher-led instruction is free of:
@High standard term
@Unclear sequencing
@Students must be held for their work
@The focus is on academic task & learning as central purpose of students effort.

5. Creating a Positive Climate In The Classroom

*Speak courteously and calmly-say "please", "thank you", "excuse me" for courtesies to become expected.
*Share information-learn names as soon as possible & engage in activities that help students learn more about each other. Speak personally to students to get to know each other individually.
*Use positive statements as often as possibles.
*Establish a feeling of community. Teach students to work cooperatively and give them regular opportunities to learn in structured cooperatives activities.

How Does An Effective Teacher Able To Develop Effective Teaching And Leaning In the Classroom?

#Personalities of The Teacher.
#The teaching Method Used By The Teacher
#Formative Assessments
#Teacher Clarity
#Classroom Discussion.

Wednesday 15 June 2016


1.1 Konsep Moral

* Berasal dari bahasa Latin iaitu moralitas.
* Beerti cara, percataran dan tingkah laku yang diterima.
*Pengertian kesedaran tentang ajaran atau pegangan berkenaan dengan baik buruk sesuatu perbuatan.
* Pengawalan tingkah laku.

1.2 Konsep Baik, Benar, Patut

1. Baik
* Sebarang objek yang diingini
* Pengalaman individu intrinsik
* Ditunjukkan melalui tingkah laku

2. Benar
* Bermaksud betul dan mengandungi fakta, sebab dan bukti.
* Kebenaran yang mutlak seperti Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan.
* Kebenaran saintifik.

3. Patut
* Bermaksud seharus,semesti, sesuai.
* Penilaian intrinsik yang perlu:  

1. Memberi pertimbangan terhadap sesuatu standard yang boleh diterima manusia.
2. Memberi tafsiran secara psikologi terhadap fakta yang wujud.
3. memberi persetujuan kerana mempunyai pendapat yang sama.
4. Tidak bersetuju dengan sesuatu kelakuan.


1.) Perbezaan peraturan moral dan adat
* P. Moral adalah sama dan perlu dipatuhi setiap masa dan di mna sahaja.
* P. Adat berbeza mengikut setiap kaum, disampaikan secara lisan dan dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan sosial ekonomi kaum.

2.) perbezaan Peraturan moral dan Agama.
* P.Moral rekaan manusia dan utk jaga kebaikan individu dan masyarakat.
* P.Agama telah tercatat dalam kitab suci masing2.

3.) Peraturan moral dan undan2
*P. Moral merupakan satu nilai perikemanusiaan yg merupakan satu persetujuan kelompok.
*P. Undang2 ditulis, dibahas, dilulus dikuatkuasa di parlimen.